Custody and Visitation Rights in Rock Island, Illinois

More and more divorced parents share physical custody of their children, moving them between households every few days or every other week. There are many different arrangements that can be made. But many divorcing couples decide — or the court orders — that one parent should have sole physical custody and the other should have regular visitation rights. Here are some basic questions and answers from a custody and visitation attorney about visitation arrangements.

In some scenarios, the custodial parent obtains a job in a new location that extends outside of the Rock Island area, or remarries and the new spouse lives in a different location. In situations like this, the court takes into account the "Best Interest of the Child" as a standard.

Family law attorney Herb Schultz has more than 20 years of legal experience, including move-away and relocation situations. Our law office would be happy to help you address this issue in your custody or visitation case. For a free consultation with an attorney, give Herb Schultz a call at (309) 788-4539 so we can discuss with you the options available to remedy your situation.

100 19th Street
Ste 103
Rock Island, IL 61201

(309) 788-4539

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